Elwood Baseball & Softball - Mustang Rules
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Mustang Rules

1.      Game length is six innings. No new inning shall start after one hour and 45 minutes.  If a game cannot be completed due to weather, it is considered complete after four complete innings (3-1/2 if the home team is leading).  Before this point, it shall be considered postponed, and rescheduled.  Re-started from the exact point where the game left off. 

2.      No game shall be played if there is lightning in the area at game time. 

3.      Batting rotations shall be continuous from the beginning of the game, including the ENTIRE ROSTER. The batting order cannot be changed once the game is started. (The only exceptions are if a player has to leave the game for an injury or sickness or, if both coaches agree before the game, church obligations, etc.  In that case, that batter shall be skipped and no out shall be recorded. The other exception is if a player shows up late to a game, he/she can be inserted as the last batter before that spot in the lineup is approached.)  Otherwise, outs shall be recorded until the player arrives and that player shall still bat last in the order.

4.      No player shall sit out (defensively) more than three innings.

5.      Teams may play three or four players in the outfield (in - LF, LC, RC & RF).  This is a coach’s decision.

6.      Lead-offs, Base Runners and Stealing:  Base Length is 60 feet.

 A.    Lead offs are limited to 1 step from any base.

 B.    Base runners at 1st and 2nd may attempt to steal once the pitch crosses the plate.  If a base runner steals 2nd base and the ball is overthrown, the base runner may advance to 3rd base at his/her own risk, but cannot advance home.  (See rule 5.D.) Umpire shall give one warning for leadoffs, after that any runner from that team shall be called out if leading off more than one step.

 C.    Pitchers are allowed to attempt to pick off base runners. If a pitcher attempts to pick off a base runner at 1st or 2nd, and the ball is overthrown, any runner(s) may attempt to advance as far as 3rd base, but not home (see rule 5.D). The ball is considered live until the pitcher has control of the ball and is on the pitcher’s mound.  

D.     A base runner at 3rd base cannot steal home. However, if the defense attempts to pick off the base runner at 3rd, the base runner may advance at his/her own risk. A base runner attempting to steal 3rd base from 2nd base shall not advance home on an overthrow from the catcher attempting to throw the base runner out. A base runner established at 3rd base shall only advance home on a batted ball, attempted pick off, walked in, or “balked” in from 3rd. (See 18. K)  Runner can’t advance home on a pickoff attempt at another base.  Because of this, the runner at 3rd can’t take a secondary lead.

E.     Base runners shall slide when a situation requires sliding. A base runner shall be called out if he/she attempts to run over a defensive player. 

F.           Base runners may advance as far as they wish on an overthrow while the ball is still live after a batted ball (Only exception is on a steal, rule 5. B.).

G.          Base runners are allowed to tag up after a player catches a batted ball in the air.

H.          Courtesy runners are allowed and encouraged for catchers and pitchers at any time regardless of outs, but shall be the last batted out.  Pinch runners are allowed for injured players.

I.             No fire drill play is allowed.

7.      There is no dropped third strike rule.

8.      There is no infield fly rule.

9.      Maximum of seven runs per inning until the sixth inning, where there is no limit on runs. In tie games, extra innings may be played, and shall have no scoring limit.  However, the time limit (rule #1) is still in effect, and as a result, ties may happen during the regular season.  Plate umpire shall determine the final inning.

10.  Slaughter rule is in effect if 15 runs after four innings, 10 runs after five innings.

11.  Bats are not allowed to be larger than 2-5/8 inch diameter.  See our website for specific bat rules (IESA).

12.  The home team shall provide two new game balls.  Homerun balls may be kept if replaced with a new ball.

13.  Teams shall exchange batting lineups before the start of the game.  Head coaches shall attend a pre-game meeting at the plate with the umpire(s).  The Umpire-In-Chief (plate umpire) shall call the official start time, which shall be recorded in both teams’ scorebooks. The Umpire-In-Chief shall also have sole authority in enforcing the time limit (See Rule #1 above.).

14.  A game may be started with eight players. In this case, the ninth spot in the batting order is an out.

15.  Catchers are to be in full gear (A regular baseball glove may be used.). Male catchers shall wear a cup.

16.  Interference and obstruction shall be called and enforced without warning.  (Defensive players shall not obstruct runners in the base paths, unless they are in the act of fielding.  Runners shall avoid contact with defensive players who are in the act of fielding.)

17.  The home team is responsible for calling the away team with a minimum of one hour notice if a game is to be cancelled due to field conditions or weather. Makeup games shall be scheduled by the home team as soon as possible.  The home team coach shall check field availability before rescheduling. 

18.  Chatter is allowed. Catchers are not allowed to chatter. Calling out “Swing!” is not allowed.

19.  Pitching rules:

A.     Pitchers can only pitch a maximum of three innings per game.

B.           One pitch is considered one inning pitched.

C.          Pitchers are allowed a maximum of eight innings a week (Week starts on Monday/ends on Sunday).

D.          A pitcher shall be removed from the mound after hitting four batters in a single game.

E.           A pitcher cannot wear a batting glove or wristband or white/bright sleeves on pitching arm, or any distracting jewelry.

F.           A pitcher removed from the mound cannot return to pitch.

G.          On an intentional walk, the pitcher shall not throw any pitches.  The batter or coach shall notify the umpire of the request and then be given first base.

H.          The pitching distance is 46 feet.

I.             A pitcher that is brought into a game in the middle of an inning gets a maximum of eight pitches to warm up. A new pitcher that starts out a new inning gets the maximum of eight pitches.  A pitcher that pitched the previous inning gets a maximum of five pitches. (This will speed up the games.)

J.            A coach is allowed to make one trip to the mound per inning to talk to the pitcher.  However, a second trip within the same inning requires a pitching change.

K.          Balks shall be called, but all pitchers shall get two warnings.  On the balk warning, runners shall not be awarded a base.  After the warning, any more balks for that pitcher shall count, and each base runner shall be awarded the next base.  (Baseball rules state that a balk is a delayed dead ball, and that if the pitcher continues with the pitch and the batter puts it in play, play continues and the balk is not enforced unless each runner does not safely advance one base and no out is recorded.  If any runner fails to advance or is put out on the play, the balk is enforced.) 

20. Mustang teams are allowed to bring up Pinto players, if needed, but shall not use other Mustang players.

A.     A player brought up from Pinto shall only play in the outfield.

B.           A player brought up from Pinto shall be the last batter in the lineup.

C.          In a case when a Mustang player shows up to a game that they told their coach that they would not be there and a Pinto player was called up for this player the Pinto player may be entered into the lineup. If the Pinto player is entered into the lineup, he/she shall play one inning in the field.

D.          At no time shall Mustang players sit out while Pinto players play (One exception is 19. C.).

Each team shall have a copy of the rules at every game.


Pony Baseball Rules shall apply anytime these rules do not address a particular si1uation.


Always promote fair play and good sportsmanship.