Elwood Baseball & Softball - Pinto Rules
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Pinto Rules

1.  Game length is five innings.  Start time shall be noted by the umpire and both head coaches.

A.    No new inning shall begin after one hour and 30 minutes.

B.     If a game is called due to weather after the game has started, the game is considered complete after four complete innings or 3-1/2 innings if the home team is ahead (this means going into the bottom of the 4th inning).  If the game has not reached four complete innings and is called due to weather, the game shall be rescheduled and started from the exact point which the game was called.  Both scorekeepers shall compare books before the restart.  The home team coach is responsible for rescheduling the game.  On game cancellations, due to weather or bad field conditions, the home team coach shall notify the visiting team coach at least 1 hour before game time.

C.     No game shall be played if there is lightning in the area at game time. 


2.  Each team shall only score 5 runs per inning, except in the 5th inning when there is no limit.  However, there is a “slaughter rule” of 15 runs after three complete innings or 3-1/2 innings if the home team is ahead by 15 runs (going into the bottom of the 4th inning) and 10 runs after four innings.


3.  Up to two defensive coaches are allowed on the field with their team, but shall stay in the outfield at least 10 feet behind the infield.


4.  No leading off or stealing.  Base runners shall stay on the base until the ball is put into play.  Base length is 60 feet and a safety base shall be used at first base.


5.  No player shall sit more than two innings on defense.


6.  Batting rotations will be continuous from the beginning of the game, including the ENTIRE ROSTER. The batting order cannot be changed once the game is started. (The only exceptions are if a player has to leave the game for an injury or sickness or, if both coaches agree before the game, church obligations, etc.  In that case, that batter shall be skipped and no out shall be recorded. The other exception is if a player shows up late to a game, he/she can be inserted as the last batter before that spot in the lineup is approached.)  Otherwise, outs will be recorded until the player arrives and that player will still bat last in the order.


7.  Line-up cards shall be exchanged between the two coaches prior to game time during the pre-game meeting with umpires.


8.  Ten players play the field.  Four outfielders, four infielders, pitcher, and catcher.  Outfielders shall play at least 10 feet past the baselines.

A.  When coaches are pitching, the player (pitcher position) shall stand within five feet behind the coach, or five feet to the coaches’ left or right.


9.  Catchers shall be in full gear and may use their fielder’s glove, if desired.  Catchers shall not “chatter” to the batter.  It is highly recommended that all male players wear athletic supporters and cups.  It is mandatory for all male catchers!


10.  Teams may play with a minimum of 8 players.  In this case, there shall be two outfielders when player pitches and three outfielders when the coaches pitch.

            A.  Shetland players MAY be brought up to play Pinto ball IF the Pinto team does

            not have enough to field their own team.  Teams shall not use another Pinto player

            from another Pinto team.

            B.  If a Shetland player is brought up to play, they shall play the outfield only and

            be the last batter in the lineup.  No Shetland player shall be brought up more

            than four times.   The fifth time, the player shall remain on the Pinto team roster.


11.  The infield fly rule and drop third strike does not apply.


12.  On a ball hit into the infield, the base runners shall only advance one base.  On a ball hit into the outfield, the runners may advance until the ball is thrown back into the infield.  Once the ball crosses the infield base lines, all runners shall go back to the previous base UNLESS the runner is at or past the halfway line.  If a runner is past the half way line and attempts to advance, he is eligible to be tagged out at that next base.  If the runner is not yet half way when the ball crosses the infield, that runner is considered dead and shall return to the previous base.  Ultimately, once the ball is thrown in the infield, the runners shall either continue ONE base or return to the previous base.


13.  Runners shall not advance on overthrows.


14.  There may be only one umpire.  If there is only one, he/she shall also make all base calls.


15.  The home team shall supply two Level 5 baseballs.


16.  The home team is responsible for chalking and putting out the bases.  Three halfway stripes shall be marked.  Dragging the field before game time is encouraged.


17.  Each team is responsible for cleaning out the dugout after each game, home or away.  In some cases, there may be another game following yours.


18.  Both teams shall keep their own score.


19.  Players shall slide on all close plays.  This shall be left to umpire discretion.  An umpire may call out a runner that does not slide or does not try to avoid contact.


20.  Time outs may be requested at any time by the coaches.  Only one timeout per inning to talk to a pitcher.  The pitcher shall be switched when the coach comes to the mound the 2nd time in one inning.


21.  When a game is cancelled, the home team head coach shall contact the visiting team coach to reschedule.  The home team shall call to make sure of field availability first.  All rainouts shall be made up as quickly as possible.


22.  Fielders (not the catcher) may “chatter” to the batter but shall not say “swing”.  Catchers shall not chatter to batters.  Chatter shall stop prior to pitch delivery.


23.  The winning team shall enter the final score into our league’s website, to be determined.




24.  Three strikes and the batter is out.  There shall be no walks.

After ball four, an offensive coach shall come in to finish pitching to that batter.


25.  The coach shall pitch until the batter strikes out, hits the ball into play, or hits a pop up foul and is caught.  The count stays the same before the coach comes in to pitch.  The umpire shall continue to call balls and strikes.


26.  A player can only pitch three innings per game, and no more than five innings per week.  Tournament week a player may pitch six innings in one week, but still no more than three innings per game.


27.  One pitch is counted as one inning pitched.


28.  When a player pitcher hits a batter, they are awarded first base.  This does not apply when coaches pitch.  Once a player pitcher hits three batters, he/she shall be removed from pitching.  Any pitcher that was removed cannot return to pitch in the same game.


29. The coach shall pitch from the rubber.  Coaches shall also pitch overhand and in a standing position.  The coach shall pitch until the batter strikes out, a foul ball caught in play, or the ball is batted into play.  When the coach pitches, he/she shall make every attempt to have the ball cross the plate horizontally and avoid “lobbing” the pitch to the batter.  Pitching rubber distance is 38 feet.


30.  The coach shall not interfere with a hit ball.  If the ball hits the coach pitching, the ball is dead and the batter gets first base.


31.  There shall be a coach or parent from the team in the field standing behind the umpire along the backstop to help shag balls the catcher misses.  This is just to speed up the game.  That coach or parent SHALL not talk or give any “coaching” from behind the umpire.  They shall remain silent.


Each team shall have a copy of the rules at every game.


Pony Baseball Rules shall apply anytime these rules do not address a particular si1uation.  The umpire shall have the ultimate call. 


Always promote fair play and good sportsmanship.


Revised 11/20/22 (D. Darin)               Visit: www.ebsa.org

1.  Game length is five innings.  Start time shall be noted by the umpire and both head coaches.

A.    No new inning shall begin after one hour and 30 minutes.

B.     If a game is called due to weather after the game has started, the game is considered complete after four complete innings or 3-1/2 innings if the home team is ahead (this means going into the bottom of the 4th inning).  If the game has not reached four complete innings and is called due to weather, the game shall be rescheduled and started from the exact point which the game was called.  Both scorekeepers shall compare books before the restart.  The home team coach is responsible for rescheduling the game.  On game cancellations, due to weather or bad field conditions, the home team coach shall notify the visiting team coach at least 1 hour before game time.

C.     No game shall be played if there is lightning in the area at game time. 


2.  Each team shall only score 5 runs per inning, except in the 5th inning when there is no limit.  However, there is a “slaughter rule” of 15 runs after three complete innings or 3-1/2 innings if the home team is ahead by 15 runs (going into the bottom of the 4th inning) and 10 runs after four innings.


3.  Up to two defensive coaches are allowed on the field with their team, but shall stay in the outfield at least 10 feet behind the infield.


4.  No leading off or stealing.  Base runners shall stay on the base until the ball is put into play.  Base length is 60 feet and a safety base shall be used at first base.


5.  No player shall sit more than two innings on defense.


6.  Batting rotations will be continuous from the beginning of the game, including the ENTIRE ROSTER. The batting order cannot be changed once the game is started. (The only exceptions are if a player has to leave the game for an injury or sickness or, if both coaches agree before the game, church obligations, etc.  In that case, that batter shall be skipped and no out shall be recorded. The other exception is if a player shows up late to a game, he/she can be inserted as the last batter before that spot in the lineup is approached.)  Otherwise, outs will be recorded until the player arrives and that player will still bat last in the order.


7.  Line-up cards shall be exchanged between the two coaches prior to game time during the pre-game meeting with umpires.


8.  Ten players play the field.  Four outfielders, four infielders, pitcher, and catcher.  Outfielders shall play at least 10 feet past the baselines.

A.  When coaches are pitching, the player (pitcher position) shall stand within five feet behind the coach, or five feet to the coaches’ left or right.


9.  Catchers shall be in full gear and may use their fielder’s glove, if desired.  Catchers shall not “chatter” to the batter.  It is highly recommended that all male players wear athletic supporters and cups.  It is mandatory for all male catchers!


10.  Teams may play with a minimum of 8 players.  In this case, there shall be two outfielders when player pitches and three outfielders when the coaches pitch.

            A.  Shetland players MAY be brought up to play Pinto ball IF the Pinto team does

            not have enough to field their own team.  Teams shall not use another Pinto player

            from another Pinto team.

            B.  If a Shetland player is brought up to play, they shall play the outfield only and

            be the last batter in the lineup.  No Shetland player shall be brought up more

            than four times.   The fifth time, the player shall remain on the Pinto team roster.


11.  The infield fly rule and drop third strike does not apply.


12.  On a ball hit into the infield, the base runners shall only advance one base.  On a ball hit into the outfield, the runners may advance until the ball is thrown back into the infield.  Once the ball crosses the infield base lines, all runners shall go back to the previous base UNLESS the runner is at or past the halfway line.  If a runner is past the half way line and attempts to advance, he is eligible to be tagged out at that next base.  If the runner is not yet half way when the ball crosses the infield, that runner is considered dead and shall return to the previous base.  Ultimately, once the ball is thrown in the infield, the runners shall either continue ONE base or return to the previous base.


13.  Runners shall not advance on overthrows.


14.  There may be only one umpire.  If there is only one, he/she shall also make all base calls.


15.  The home team shall supply two Level 5 baseballs.


16.  The home team is responsible for chalking and putting out the bases.  Three halfway stripes shall be marked.  Dragging the field before game time is encouraged.


17.  Each team is responsible for cleaning out the dugout after each game, home or away.  In some cases, there may be another game following yours.


18.  Both teams shall keep their own score.


19.  Players shall slide on all close plays.  This shall be left to umpire discretion.  An umpire may call out a runner that does not slide or does not try to avoid contact.


20.  Time outs may be requested at any time by the coaches.  Only one timeout per inning to talk to a pitcher.  The pitcher shall be switched when the coach comes to the mound the 2nd time in one inning.


21.  When a game is cancelled, the home team head coach shall contact the visiting team coach to reschedule.  The home team shall call to make sure of field availability first.  All rainouts shall be made up as quickly as possible.


22.  Fielders (not the catcher) may “chatter” to the batter but shall not say “swing”.  Catchers shall not chatter to batters.  Chatter shall stop prior to pitch delivery.


23.  The winning team shall enter the final score into our league’s website, to be determined.




24.  Three strikes and the batter is out.  There shall be no walks.

After ball four, an offensive coach shall come in to finish pitching to that batter.


25.  The coach shall pitch until the batter strikes out, hits the ball into play, or hits a pop up foul and is caught.  The count stays the same before the coach comes in to pitch.  The umpire shall continue to call balls and strikes.


26.  A player can only pitch three innings per game, and no more than five innings per week.  Tournament week a player may pitch six innings in one week, but still no more than three innings per game.


27.  One pitch is counted as one inning pitched.


28.  When a player pitcher hits a batter, they are awarded first base.  This does not apply when coaches pitch.  Once a player pitcher hits three batters, he/she shall be removed from pitching.  Any pitcher that was removed cannot return to pitch in the same game.


29. The coach shall pitch from the rubber.  Coaches shall also pitch overhand and in a standing position.  The coach shall pitch until the batter strikes out, a foul ball caught in play, or the ball is batted into play.  When the coach pitches, he/she shall make every attempt to have the ball cross the plate horizontally and avoid “lobbing” the pitch to the batter.  Pitching rubber distance is 38 feet.


30.  The coach shall not interfere with a hit ball.  If the ball hits the coach pitching, the ball is dead and the batter gets first base.


31.  There shall be a coach or parent from the team in the field standing behind the umpire along the backstop to help shag balls the catcher misses.  This is just to speed up the game.  That coach or parent SHALL not talk or give any “coaching” from behind the umpire.  They shall remain silent.


Each team shall have a copy of the rules at every game.


Pony Baseball Rules shall apply anytime these rules do not address a particular si1uation.  The umpire shall have the ultimate call. 


Always promote fair play and good sportsmanship.


Revised 2/18/20 (V. Homes)               Visit: www.ebsa.org